How to Apply for a Student Visa, Business Visa, Investor Visa, and Resident Card Visa from Yemen to Poland


Relocating from Yemen to Poland for educational, business, investment, or residency purposes offers numerous opportunities. Poland, with its rich cultural heritage and strong economy, is an attractive destination for Yemeni nationals. This guide provides detailed information on how to apply for various types of visas from Yemen to Poland, ensuring a smooth transition. At, we offer professional legal support through our partner attorney for all your visa needs.


 Student Visa


If you’re planning to study in Poland, obtaining a student visa is the first step. Here’s how to apply:


1. University Admission: Secure admission to a recognized Polish educational institution.

2.Visa Application : Submit your student visa application at the Polish consulate in Yemen.

3. Required Documents:

   - Completed visa application form

   - Passport copy

   - Recent photographs

   - Acceptance letter from the university

   - Proof of tuition fee payment

   - Proof of accommodation

   - Health insurance

   - Proof of sufficient financial means

4. Processing Time: Typically, the processing time is 2-3 weeks.

5. Temporary Residence Permit: Upon arrival in Poland, apply for a temporary residence permit.


 Business Visa


For Yemeni entrepreneurs and business professionals, a business visa is essential for conducting business activities in Poland. Follow these steps:


1. Invitation Letter: Obtain an invitation letter from a Polish business partner or organization.

2. Visa Application: Apply for a business visa at the Polish consulate in Yemen.

3.Required Documents:

   - Completed visa application form

   - Passport copy

   - Recent photographs

   - Invitation letter from the Polish business partner

   - Proof of accommodation

   - Travel insurance

   - Proof of sufficient financial means

4. Processing Time: The processing time usually takes 2-3 weeks.


 Investor Visa


Yemeni investors looking to establish or expand their business in Poland can apply for an investor visa. Here’s the process:


1. Investment Plan : Prepare a detailed business plan outlining your investment.

2. Company Registration: Register your company in Poland.

3. Visa Application: Submit your investor visa application at the Polish consulate in Yemen.

4. Required Documents:

   - Completed visa application form

   - Passport copy

   - Recent photographs

   - Business plan

   - Proof of company registration

   - Proof of sufficient financial means

   - Health insurance

5. Processing Time: Processing times can vary but typically take 2-3 weeks.


 Resident Card Visa


For Yemeni nationals seeking long-term residency in Poland, applying for a resident card visa is necessary. Here’s how to proceed:


1. Eligibility: Confirm your eligibility for long-term residence.

2. Application Submission: Submit your application to the Voivodeship Office.

3. Required Documents:

   - Completed application form

   - Passport copy

   - Recent photographs

   - Proof of accommodation

   - Proof of sufficient financial means

   - Health insurance

4. Processing Time: The processing time for a resident card can take several months.


 Professional Legal Support


Navigating the visa application process can be challenging. provides expert legal support from our partner attorney to ensure a smooth and successful application. For assistance with any type of visa, contact us at [email protected].




Applying for a visa from Yemen to Poland involves several steps and requires thorough preparation. Whether you’re seeking a student visa, business visa, investor visa, or resident card visa, this guide provides the essential information to help you get started. For comprehensive support and expert legal advice, reach out to


 Additional Information


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For any queries or to start your visa application process, contact us at [email protected].


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For more detailed guidance and support, contact us at [email protected] and let our partner attorney assist you in every step of your visa application process.